Summary of Turkey

I know it has been a few months since I went to Turkey and the posts have been slow in coming, but Cappadocia was our last stop in Turkey before heading to Greece for a couple of days. Turkey was … Continued

Thanksgiving Day 20: McDonald’s

posted in: Adventure, China, Thanksgiving, Travel | 1

The Golden Arches, Mickey D’s, McDonald’s. Some of you have already turned away disgusted because I would be grateful for this fast food franchise, but let me tell you why. It has saved me many times, both emotionally and my … Continued

Thanksgiving Day 9: A good Mexican food place

posted in: Holidays, Thanksgiving | 0

Every time I’ve moved in the last few years, except to China, there have been a couple of things that I always tried to find. One is a good, local Chinese restaurant. The other is a delicious Mexican food place. … Continued

30+ Things I am Thankful for

posted in: Adventure, Holidays, Photography | 0

I am thankful for family and friends. I am thankful for a place to lay my head, a roof over my head and something delicious to put in my head. I am thankful for my ancestors, forefathers and national protectors. … Continued

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